Wich word makes body?


  • aline fiamenghi PUC SP




Body, Poetic, Affection


We present some ideas about the body in the Lacanian field in order to articulate how the poetic function engages the body. The poetic as a possibility of resonating something other than meaning, making a hole function, and the body as a singular response to how language affects the subject. In this articulation we will call "bodypoetics", the ethics of desire as a third element, a singular response to the effects / affects from a psychoanalysis.


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How to Cite

fiamenghi, aline. (2023). Wich word makes body?. Revista De Psicanálise Stylus, 1(43), pp. 103–109. https://doi.org/10.31683/stylus.v1i43.1014

